
Rub-a-dub-dub Three {Cloths} in a Tub!

The other day I found this cute little birdhouse and tin wash tub.  I needed something to put on a shelf in my bathroom, so I tied some jute around the washcloths and added a vinyl number to the tub.   

This is so in-expensive and simple to put together!

Wash Tub:  $1 from a dollar store.
Bird House:  Also from a dollar store.
Washcloths: On clearance for only .50 each. 
Vinyl number 3 and jute:  Let's say I spent fifty cents on them.
(The font is called Plantagenet Cherokee.)
Total Cost:  $4.00

I had a hard time deciding what to put on the front of the tub.  At one point I was going to put a bird... then a geometric pattern...and then finally decided on a three, because you know...Rub-a-dub-dub three {cloths} in a tub!   (Really I just like the look of the three.) 

Keep your eyes open at those dollar stores, you never know what little treasures you'll find!

Today's Fabulous Find...Dollar Store Decor

***I was told by a couple of very reliable sources (my sisters) that it's been difficult to leave a comment on my blog lately.  I've changed the comments to a pop-up window and it seems to have fixed the problem.   I thought I'd let you know, in case any of you have been having problems as well.



  1. that's so cute. great idea

  2. Yeah for the Dollar Store and your creativity! This is just adorable -- such a cute bathroom addition!

  3. Turned out great Janet! I love that you chose 3 as well! I am heading to Dollar Tree to see if mine has those wash tubs!

  4. So cute! I love the twine wrapped around the towels!

  5. That's a great idea! so cute.

    I'd love it if you would link this up to our Wicked awesome wednesday blog party if you get a chance. Cute blog!

  6. Super cute! I'm loving this!!!
    drop by and say hi @ http://littlekatieontheprairie.blogspot.com

  7. that's so cute. love it!

  8. very CUTE girlie! I love the number addition!


  9. Very cute idea and I can't believe it was so cheap!

  10. Such a great idea! Heading to the dollar store soon. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Serenity Now.

  11. Terrific! Where can you find the vinyl letters without spending an arm and a leg? I can't wait to go buy this!

  12. In Reply to Anonymous: I was one of the very lucky ones to win a Silhouette last year (I was so shocked!) so I was able to cut the 3 myself. I've used scrapbooking stickers for other projects before and it's worked, or you could cut out a number and Mod Podge it on.

    One day I had this crazy idea to try spray painting contact paper to see if it would work. Well... the paint went on, but it took a lot of it and took a VERY long time to dry, lol! I had to try it though and it actually kind of worked. :)

  13. this is very cute:) also looks more expensive than dollar store stuff.. thats why you rock!

  14. This is gorgeous!

    Great job!

    P.S. I'm a Janet too! :)

  15. Super cute and creative idea.

  16. I love the dollar store! A couple dollars and a little imagination and you have something amazing!

    Have a great day

  17. Very cute idea! I love the little bucket!


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