
Featuring: Asparagus and Tater Toss Recipe

When I was a young girl I loved to pick asparagus.  I grew up in the country where it grew along the fencelines (on the outer edges of the fields) near our home.  Some days my siblings and I picked enough to fill an entire grocery sack, which we took home to our mom to cook for dinner.  It was so good!   I don't know if it would have tasted as delicious to me though if I hadn't picked it myself.

Kristyn just posted this recipe for Asparagus & Tater Toss over at Lil' Luna and I can not wait to try it!  It's going on the menu this week for sure.  If you like asparagus you've got to go check out this recipe--it has bacon! 

My thanks to Kristyn for permission to use this photo.  Please pin it from the original post.

Today's Fabulous Find:  Asparagus & Tator Toss Recipe


  1. Love asparagus, too! Must try out this recipe. Thanks!

  2. looks yummy!--(i've never tried asparagus)

  3. YUM! Two of my favorite things. I'll definitely be trying this recipe!


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