
Featuring: DIY Summer Flatware Caddy and a New PrintRunner Sticker Winner

I didn't hear back from the PrintRunner winner, so I've randomly selected a new one.  The new winner of the PrintRunner stickers is...

Heather B. who said:  What a resourceful idea!  I would love these stickers!

Congratulations Heather!   You will need to e-mail me by 12 pm tonight to claim your prize or I will have to select another winner.

DIY Summer Flatware Caddy

Tanya at twelve-O-eight took an ordinary thrift find caddy and with a little effort turned it into a fun and functional piece for any Summer BBQ!

My thanks to Tanya for permission to use this image.  Please PIN it from the original post, thanks!

Click over for the painting directions and to see a great before and after project! 

Today's Fabulous Find...DIY Summer Flatware Caddy


  1. Janet,

    Thank you so much for featuring my Summer Flatware Caddy this week. So much wonderful talent each week, thank you for hosting!

    Hugs, Tanya :)

  2. great feature, janet:) i could use something like this--off to check her blog! happy weekend!


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