
Printable Thanksgiving Subway Art (Free!!!)

Edited to add:  For the new 2011 Thanksgiving Subway Art Design click here.  If you want to print the design below with the 2011 date in the center, please send me an e-mail with your request.

Have you seen the fun Thanksgiving subway art around?  I have, and I thought it would be fun to design one for myself.  Then I thought, hey, you might want one too!  So in true Thanksgiving fashion, I'm offering these prints to you For Free!!!

The prints were made to fit an 8x10 frame, but can be stretched to fit other sizes as well.

Edited to Add:  I had a request for a dark orange:

To print them:

 You could show me your gratitude by signing up as a follower, ya know if you want to, that is if you haven't already. :)


1. Right click on the image and copy and paste it into a document.


2. Click on the image, right click, and then click on 'save picture as' to save it to your computer.

If there's a color that you'd like that's not here, leave a comment and tell me which one, I might just be able to make one up for you!

Today's Fabulous Find...Free Printable Subway Art!  

Here's a sneak peak of what I've been working on...

Check back tomorrow, if you'd like to see how I made it for only $1.00!

Edited to add:  Click here to read more about the frame.

Click here for the Burlap Flower Tutorials


  1. Love it! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Thanks so much...Love the print.

    Take care,

  3. thaks, so cute! I'm a new follower!

  4. Thanks so much! I love these and shared them on my blog www.simplyawesomeprintables.blogspot.com!

  5. Awesome thanks so much for the share.

  6. love it,, thanks so much,, love the subway art..

  7. Thanks so much. I love it! I'm a new follower :-)

  8. Thank you so much for sharing! I love it and am going to share it with friends on FB as well. I'm a new follower!

  9. Adorable! Thank you.

    I'm following you now on FB.

  10. Thank you! These are awesome! Great job!

  11. OMGosh, I ♥ this. Thank you so much for sharing.

  12. LOVE THIS!!! I just had to follow you! I like "cheap and easy" {projects}

  13. This may be a really dumb question, so I apologize in advance, but when you print these, do you print them on white paper and your printer does the color background? Or do you print on special paper?

    I really want to make these! Thank you! :)

  14. That's a great question! First copy and paste it into a document. I use Microsoft Publisher to do this. In Publisher (as well as Microsoft Word)you can use the side rulers to size the print to whatever you need, an 8x10, 5x7, or whatever size, then you can print it on regular white cardstock. (The background color is printed on). Hope this helps, if you have any other questions let me know. :)

  15. When I print the subway art it is very "pixelated" if that's a word. I've done an 8x10 and a 5x7. I've put it into a word document and printed it right from the picture. Both ways and sizes are the same print quality. How can I fix this? I love the subway art. Very cute!!! Thanks for your help.

  16. In reply to Jen: Did you click on the image first to open it in a new window (at full resolution) before you copied it? The image will seem 'pixelated' (good word by the way) if you miss this step. If you've tried it and it's still not working right, let me know and I'll try to think of what it could be. :)

  17. Thank you sooooo much for sharing!!
    I created one of these for our beach house in Wildwood. I actually bought canvas & was going to paint one (what was I thinking!)& decided to print one instead. I know how much time it takes. I did mine in Print Artist. I was going to do the 4 seasons & put in a frame for Christmas gifts this year.
    I stumbled across your blog (thank God!!) & now I'm going to print out yours. Thank you for saving me soooo much time! I spent over a hour on your blog. Love everything! You are so talented!

  18. Thank you Sue! I'm glad that you are able to put the prints to good use. I spend hours and hours on each of the subway art designs, so it helps me feel like it was worth it when I get such positive feedback. I appreciate your comment. :)


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