
Featuring: Magnetic Menu Board

Tyra at Ucreate Foods recently gave away two personalized Magnetic Menu Boards with 40 meal tags.  I was so excited when I found out that I won one!  This is the board that she made for me.  I really love it!  The frame colors are Krylon's Ivory and Leather Brown.

Because the tags are magnetic, it's easy to move them around while planning the menu for the month and to switch them  if when you change your mind.  She decorated the cutest little box to hold the extra tags.  I can store them here, on the side of the frame (which is magnetic) or on the back of the board.

If you'd like to make one for yourself or for a gift, Tyra has a tutorial on how she made it with all of her do's and don'ts.  

 I'm really looking forward to using this menu board to plan my meals each month.  Thank you Tyra!

Today's Fabulous Find...Magnetic Menu Board

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