
Neighbor Gift Idea: Game Night in a Bag!

Every year I look forward to coming up with fun ideas for Christmas gifts for my neighbors and friends.  I love the challenge of thinking of a gift that I can produce in the masses while staying within my budget.  My goal--to put together the best gift I can for as little money as possible.  Now that can be a challenge!

This is the gift that I gave to my friends and neighbors last year.

  Game Night In A Bag
Included:  Everything you need to create a fun game night, in just one little bag.

The Game

Have you heard of the dice game Farkle?  It's just one of many versions of this dice game.  I chose to use a version of the game called 'Ten Thousand'.  (There are no copyright restrictions on this version, it would be similar to making a tic-tac-toe game.)  My kids love to play this game, even the little ones.

The Cards 

  • Print the cards onto white card stock
  • Cut around the edges and glue them back to back.
  • Use a corner punch or scissors to round the corners.
  • Laminate them and then trim around the edges.  Notice that I left a wide border of lamination around the edges so that the cards can withstand some abuse and not seperate.
Click Here to Download/Print the Game Cards
(The margins are small, if the card edges won't print for you, select fit to printable area in your printer options.)

There is a printable book of dice games from A to Z  here if you'd like to choose a different game, or include more than one in the game bag.  Edited to add:  The link above now requires a membership to download it.  There is another list of A to Z games here that can be printed/downloaded for free.

The Dice

  • You can buy the dice at the dollar store (I paid $1 for a package of 10). 
  • You will need six dice for each game.
The Bag 

  • I used corduroy to make this bag, but any fabric will work.   The FINISHED bag size is 5 1/4" by 8". 
  • Skip To My Lou has put together an excellent tutorial on how to make a drawstring bag, click here
  • My bag is slightly different than the tutorial.  For the drawstring, I threaded it through the casing at the top of the bag on one side and then sinched it up and tied the ends in a bow.

 A Treat
Microwave Caramel Popcorn Recipe
  • You will need one package of microwave popcorn.
  • Copy and paste the recipe card into a document and size it to 3 3/4" x 5 1/2".  Print and trim.
  • Place it on top of the popcorn and tie curling ribbon around it.

The printable recipe card is from Rainbow Row Graphics.  Click here for this card as well as several other Holiday recipe cards. 

Don't forget the chocolate!

Here's a birds-eye view.
The Gift Sack
 This gift sack came in a pack of three from the dollar store.  That's a pretty good deal, right?  Well it gets better!  I bought them at the after Christmas sale the year before and got a steal of a deal:  10 items for $1!  Since there were three in a pack, I bought 30 sacks for only $1.  I was also able to buy large gift sacks, and 3 pack gift boxes for the same price.  I stocked up and I'm so glad I did because I haven't found a sale like that since.  It really does pay to shop clearance!
Isn't it amazing how much fun you can pack into one little bag?

Todays Fabulous Find...Game Night in a Bag


  1. This is absolutely fantastic! I love this idea, and you could easily modify it any way you want, change up the treats, swap out the game. What a wonderful gift!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. this is all lovely, janet! tfs and the link to the recipe cards site!

  3. This is such a great idea! And so cute, too. :)

  4. This is fantastic! We love to play Farkle and I am going to make some of these to give out to friends and family. Thank you for the printable:) I really appreciate it.

  5. Oh wow! I'm impressed! That is some serious fun in one bag! You really accomplished your goal! Thanks so much for the printables and the link to the bag tutorial! Fantastic idea!!


  6. such a great idea!!! thanks for the inspiration :D

  7. So fun!!

    Come enter for a chance to win a pair of free sandals!


  8. This is so incredibly timely. My husband LOVES dice games and was just asking me the other day to pick some up at the store. This would be an awesome stocking stuffer for him. Thanks so much for the thorough and helpful tutorial. I *love* the printable game instructions! Do you have any recommendations for how to laminate them without a laminator machine? Can you do it cheaply at Kinkos or the office supply store do you think?

    I'm visiting from Iheartnaptime. Love your blog!

  9. In Reply to Kira: I took the game cards to a local copy store that also has a laminating machine and paid by the foot to have them laminated. I called around to a few stores first to find the best price. I'm glad you mentioned that your husband likes to play dice games. It reminded me of a free printable booklet that I found with dice games from A to Z. It might be a fun item to add to his gift. Here's the link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/103089/A-to-Z-of-Dice-Games

  10. Such a clever idea and the popcorn sounds so yummy...may have to make some of that for myself! ;-) Visiting from Sundae Scoop.

  11. Thank you for this! I was making my mom and husband this big eat in meal night for christmas and I wanted to have a game included. They like simple games and I was actually thinking of just buying them Farkle, but this is just perfect! Thanks again!

  12. What a wonderful gift idea! I'm going to keep this in mind for next year or even housewarming gifts!

  13. Oooh! What a fabulous family gift idea. I'm uploading it to my Homemade Gift Site as we speak!

    Thank you SO much for uploading this to Tip Me Tuesday, otherwise I would have missed it. Would you min uploading the button so I can keep you linked up?


  14. I think this is really a fabulous idea - so creative!

  15. What a fantastic idea! Thank you so much for sharing!

  16. Cute..cute..cute! thank you for sharing your fabulous idea. You "AMAZE ME"! Thank you for linking up to the Monday blog party!!

  17. Hooray! You were featured today! :)

  18. What an awesome idea!!! This would be a great gift for anyone. :) Thanks for the tut!

    Fuzzy Slippers Designs

  19. Wow! This is such a great idea. Thanks for doing all the work for me! ;0)

  20. This is so fun, Janet! I love that you can vary the contents a little bit to gear it toward the recipient. Really fantastic. Thanks for the printable!

  21. I love this idea and would love to have you link it up to my Saving Christmas Party at: http://spartasavings.blogspot.com/2010/12/saving-christmas-week-8.html

  22. I SO love this idea. Found your blog today and am very glad I did. Have a wonderful day!
    Michelle @

  23. this is such a great idea!! Thanks so much for linking up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings!! I'm actually going to feature it so look for it and grab a button :)

  24. What a great idea! It really puts the focus back on spending time with your family at the holidays. I featured you today on my favorite things :)

  25. So glad I found your blog!!! I'm putting some of these together today for my family!!! Such a great idea!

  26. Super Cute! I'd love it if you joined in on our "show off" post @ http://www.beckhamandbloom.com/2010/12/show-off.html
    My readers would love this craft! Have a great week.

  27. This is definitely going to be my teacher's gift next year as I LOVE to give a gift that they can do together with their children.

  28. What a fun idea! I am making one for a friend! Thanks for linking up.

  29. I just wanted to say thanks so much for posting this. It arrived with perfect timing. We had just had two large, unexpected expenses and I was scrambling for ideas for last minute gifts for family. I was able to make six of these and they were well received. Thanks!!!

  30. Thank you for sharing great gift ideas! Not only did I use this for Christmas grab gifts, but at school we have a Secret Angel program with students and I will be modifying this for an Easter bag to put in her basket. Thanks!!!

  31. In Reply to GoofyRocks: What a great idea to use the game bag for Easter! Thanks for passing on your idea.

  32. This is such a great idea!! We recently started doing a monthly Neighborhood Family Game Night; the first week of every month, all the families in the neighborhood get together (we rotate houses, and the host house provides dinner!), we play team board games like Pictionary and Cranium and Twister, have game wheels with small prizes, and set up a projector to watch movies! It's a great way to get to know the families in the neighborhood, make new friends, welcome newcomers to the neighborhood, and spend a fun night with your family! :)

  33. To Master Shake 13: How fun! What a great way to get to know you're neighbors better, thanks for sharing. :)

  34. How generous of you to share this great idea!!! I think it's wonderful!!!! Patsy from

  35. Love it! My daughter has a brand-new 3rd grade teacher. She has asked for board games for the days the kids have recess inside. I am going to make up several dice game packets for her classroom. Very inexpensive, and as an added bonus -- most require the kids to practice their adding skills! Shhh... don't tell the kids they'll be doing math. ;-)

  36. To Anonymous: I'm sure your daughters third grade class will love this game, what a nice thing you're doing. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. :)

  37. I totally LOVE this idea! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  38. Super cute idea! Very clever!! I am your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want to =-)

  39. Love this!! Thanks so much for the printable!! My 4 year old made one for her game-loving sister for Christmas. She decorated the bag with fabric markers and added a couple little note pads (adding stickers spelling "score" on the front of each) for scorekeeping.

  40. I love this! This is definitely going to go into an overseas care package. :-)

  41. Tag makes your gift attractive that's why when i send gifts to pakistan i must use gift tags.

  42. Is there another place to find the printable book of dice games from A to Z? I really don't want to become a premium scib member in order to download it. Thanks for the great ideas. Miriam

  43. To Miriam: That's too bad they require you to subscribe to download it, I didn't know that. I don't know of anywhere else to download it, but I haven't ever run a search for it. It's possible that you might find something that's similar. I know that a couple of years ago I was able to print the booklet and I didn't have to subscribe so that might be an option for you. I hope you can find something, if you do let me know. :)

  44. This is such a cute idea! :) And an easy gift to whip up at the last minute too. Pinning for later!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. oops! forgot to include the link in my first comment, I'm sorry!!

    I found this link to a complete list of A to Z dice games ~~ http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dice-play/GamesAZ.htm

    I just wanted to share it, as the other link is a pay-for link

    ♥♥thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful gift idea!! its fabulous! ♥♥

  47. Thanks for the link Claire! I'm adding it to the post.

  48. The link to the instructions is no longer present. Please help. Working on a gift idea with this as a very key component. Thank you. <3

  49. Hi Dot, the link is still there and working, you might need to try a different computer to open it. If you are using a business or school computer sometimes the administrator blocks links. Hope this helps!

  50. Hi! I would like to request a link to the files for the games if you still have them! Thanks so much!

  51. I absolutely love this "Game Night in a Bag" gift idea! 🎲🎉 It's such a creative and thoughtful present that's perfect for bringing friends and neighbors together for some quality fun time.
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