
$1 Fabric Embellished Frame

This is another part of the gallery wall that I've been working on for-e-ver.  

As I've mentioned before, dollar store frames are good bases to start with because if your vision for the frame doesn't work out you're only out a buck and some time.  Plus, it's so easy to make them look better!

Start with a frame that has a flat space, it could be a gold frame from the dollar store like this one, a new frame, thrift frame, or a frame that you already own that could use a little face-lift. 

  1. Paint the frame (I painted this frame with a foam brush.  I also sprayed it with a white primer first.)
  2. Cut a strip of fabric that is just less than 3 times the width of the space you want to fill.
  3. Fold the fabric in thirds and press.
  4. With open edges down, start at the bottom of the frame and hot glue the fabric in place.
  5. Fold the fabric at each corner.
  6. When you come to the end, fold the end of the fabric under so the raw edge is hidden.
  7. Cut a piece of fabric (if you'd like) to put in the frame to display pictures over.

I took a picture of the frame with a leaf in it just to show how easy it is to display other items over the fabric (osnaburg).  This frame would be great for displaying photos and mementos in a scrapbook style, like a photo at the zoo with a ticket stub for example.  No photo mat needed! 

Easily personalize the frame with paint and fabric choices.

The fabric matches the curtains I made for the room and helps tie in all of the colors of the other items on the wall as well.  I wasn't sure how I'd like a frame with fabric on it, but I have to say, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

 Today's Fabulous Find...
Embellishing Frames with Fabric


Linking to:  Tator Tots and Jello
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Thrift Frame: Painting Vinyl Designs

This frame is another part of the gallery wall in my dining room.  I have two more projects to finish and then I'll post pictures and show you how it has all come together and move on--promise! :)  

I was waiting for an epiphany on how to finish this frame and I think I finally got it!  I wanted something round in shape to go with the monogram frame and that kept with the theme of my gallery wall--a nest made perfect sense.

The 'Before'--a $1 Thrift Store Find

Click here for the tutorial on how to paint the frames.  The color of the green frame is Valspar's Apple 4.  

The bird nest design started as an image from Microsoft clip art.  I followed the tutorial here at Sew Dang Cute to convert it into an image that could be cut with the Silhouette.

I applied the vinyl nest to the outside of the glass and then used paint to add some much needed color.

The color of paint I wanted to use (Rustoleum's Sage) is spray paint, so I sprayed some into a plastic cup and then painted it onto the glass using a disposable foam brush.  The paint went on very smooth and because it's on the opposite side of the glass from the vinyl it also gives it some dimension. 

I like how the texture of the burlap (on the backside of the glass) shows through in the nest. This picture best represents the actual colors.

Painting the eggs on the glass was so much fun and I can not wait to try this again!  In a way it reminds me of paint by number pictures. 

If you were to cut a vinyl design as your outline and put it on glass, you could paint it any color that you want and not be limited by the availability of vinyl colors.  Paint is less expensive than vinyl too. 

Additional Ideas
  • For a boys room you could cut out the outlines of a train, plane, and automobile in vinyl, put the designs on 8x10 (dollar store or thrift) frames, and then paint the back of the glass in colors that matched the bedroom design.
  • For a girls room you could use flowers, butterflies, princesses, crowns, etc.
  • Other projects you could use this technique on include:  small ornaments, signs, or names (one letter in each frame and hung with a ribbon). 

I hope you're enjoying your weekend! 

Today's Fabulous Find...
Painting Vinyl Designs on Glass

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