Request for Access to Links

There was a recent update that has caused my Google Doc links to stop working. Please send me a request for access to the files until I can get them up and running again. I will grant you access through the email as soon as I am able to, thank you!


Hello and Goodbye

Hello!  It's been awhile!  I can't believe that it's been over four months since my last post.  Crazy!  I thought I'd pop in and fill you in on what's been keeping me so busy for the last several months.  In the middle of March we listed our home, in mid April we accepted an offer, and by the middle of May we closed and moved most of our furniture, etc. into storage units.  We're currently in-between homes and staying with family until September when our new home will be ready for us, so all projects have pretty much come to a screeching halt.  I've really missed not having a home to decorate!  I'm looking forward to posting some projects in the coming weeks though that I finished awhile ago but never shared with you, so it's all good. :)

Photo of new little Lilac blooms in my backyard--one of my favorite things!

I've never followed a set schedule with posting, I post when I have time and when I have something to share, so I'm pretty sure that most of you who read this blog follow via e-mail or through a reader.

Now that we'll be saying Goodbye to Google Reader and Google Friend Connect this Monday I thought I'd share some other ways that you can read posts here on Today's Fabulous Finds--if you want too. :)

Facebook--Updated with a direct link to each post.
Feedly--I just checked Feedly out yesterday and I really like it so far!  I'm still working on getting a subscription button to work on my main page, but if you click on the link it will take you to the main Feedly page where you can sign up.
Bloglovin'--Bloglovin' is new to me, so I haven't used it much, but it seems to be a popular replacement for Google Reader.
Pinterest--All new projects will be posted on my Today's Fabulous Finds Board.
Feedburner--Enter your e-mail and read posts via e-mail.  There is a subscription box on my sidebar.

I haven't been able to be consistent with posting lately and it won't be consistent for awhile, but I'm not ready to give up on this blog yet!  Thanks for hanging in there with me and thanks so, so much for reading!!!

Today's Fabulous Finds...Feedly and Bloglovin'

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