
Daddy Diaper Tool Belt

My only brother and his wife are expecting their first child in May. When it was time to think of a gift to take to the baby shower, I knew I wanted to come up with something memorable. After running a few searches I came across the idea of a Daddy Diapering Tool Belt. That was it!
Perfect for a first-time Daddy.
After a lot of thought I came up with this design.
The tool belt was only .99 from Wal-Mart, then I added fabric and ribbon that I already had to make two additional pockets. I made a fabric casing and threaded elastic through it to make the loops. There is velco on the right and left sides so items can be easily attached. (But of course a simple apron would work great too. Using Fabric markers could be a fun way to personalize it.)

Important Items Included:

Tongs (dollar store)
Mask (dollar store)
Small box of wet wipes (Wal-Mart)
Set of pacifiers (Wal-Mart)
Toy keys (dollar store)
Washrags (dollar store)
Stuffed bear (dollar store)
Hand Sanitizer (Wal-Mart)
Baby lotion (Wal-Mart)
Goggles (dollar store)
Desitin Diaper Rash Cream (Wal-Mart)
Plastic Gloves (Lowes)
2-Newborn Diapers (actually had them already, they make GREAT doll diapers)
Hilarious Safe Baby Handling Tips found here.

Next I needed a poem, but after running several searches I wasn't able to find one that I really liked so....
I wrote my own! And here it is!

(girl version)

(boy version)

It was a lot of fun to see my Brother's face when he realized what it was.
(Yes, he was a good sport and came in at the end of the shower to open it.)
He's a great brother and going to be a great Dad too!

This 'tool belt' can also:
1) Be tied onto the end of the changing table to hold diapering items,
2) Be tied to the back of a bucket seat to hold books, crayons, snacks, etc. while traveling,
3) When the baby is grown he/she can wear it as an apron to carry toys around in or help with the cooking.

There are soooo many possibilities!

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Mystery Makeover: Before and After Plant Stand?

Last Saturday I found this fabulous little treasure at the local thrift store.

Isn't it lovely? (she said sarcastically) For only $1.50 it was worth a try to fix it up.

I went to Lowe's and bought a can of Rustoleum oil rubbed bronze spray paint...

and look at it now...

Can I just say that I REALLY love to spray paint?

And I REALLY love to see the finished product!

That's it, I'm hooked.

Now I just have to decide if I will put it outside like originally planned...

or maybe I'll leave 'her' where she is and add some books to the bottom rack..hmmm...


After taking a closer look at this 'plant stand' I realized that something was missing on the ends of the legs.  I thought that maybe I could put some rubber chair leg ends (if that's what you call them) onto the bottom of the legs and it would work fine. 
I was out and about (two weeks after I bought it) and thought that I'd make a quick stop by the same thrift store to see if there were any treasures there to fix up.  I was browsing when you'll never believe what I found...the bottom part of my 'plant stand'.  There it was in all of it's ugly glory, just sitting there waiting for me to reunite it with it's better half.  Two dollars and 50 cents later, I had it in hand and was walking out the door in amazement.
Then the thrill come to a screeching halt.
Okay...so here's the problem. 
The bottom doesn't sit flat on the ground, it wobbles.  Not a great thing when you want it to hold a pot full of dirt!  Here's another thing, I'm thinking that this is not a plant stand.  If I had thought about it, I would have realized that pots need a flat bottom to sit on.  So now I'm wondering what this thing is for...rolled up towels maybe?  In my excitement to fix it up I looked over the obvious, which would be it's actual function.  Live and learn. 
But I'll figure out something to use if for, yes I will!  Do you know what it's used for?

Here it is in all of it's glory.

And here is the bottom section on its own:

Seriously, if you have an idea of what it's used for or have an idea of what you would use it for leave me a comment!  I may try some artificial plants in it (no dirt that could spill).

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Featuring: How to Add An Adjustable Waistband to Jeans

I was so excited to find a tutorial today at Smidgens of Piffle, found here, on how to add an adjustable elastic waistline to a pair of jeans.

(picture from www.kellis-smidgens-of-piffle.blogspot.com)

 I have a hard time finding jeans that fit my two daughters.  You know the story, if the waist fits they are too tight in the rear and too short, and if the length is right, the waist is too big, it's always something.  Many of the brands of girls jeans are sold now with adjustable waistlines in them which IS SO GREAT!   However, my younger daughter is currently wearing jeans that I bought for my older daughter before there was such a thing as adjustable waistbands. 
Belts can be hard for young children to get undone, especially if they are in a hurry, if you know what I mean! 
I am excited for this fabulous find and plan on trying it for myself.  I'll let you know how it goes and maybe even try to take some pictures. 

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Welcome to Today's Fabulous Finds!

Hello! My name is Janet.  
I am a SAHM to four children and have been married to a great guy who has put up with my project clutter now for 15 years!
I love making crafts, sewing for my kids, trying new recipes, gardening, decorating, home re-modeling, and making invitations, newsletters, cards...you name it, on the computer.
I don't love washing dishes...

...eating fish...

...or swimming.
Blogging is new to me and I’m loving it!  I'm constantly blown away by all of the great things I am finding 'out there'. You bloggers are truly talented and inspiring!
This blog is a way for me to share my excitement in the fabulous things that I find almost daily and how these finds help me create little treasures of my own.
I hope you see something here that you find fabulous too!
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