
Printable Paint stick Ornaments, Names of Christ, Spanish Version

Over the last few years I've received several requests for a Spanish version of the Names of Christ templates for my paint stick ornaments. The problem? I don't speak any Spanish. Recently though Lori Keller offered to put a list together for me of the names of Christ in Spanish with the help of her husband Bennett. With this list I was finally able to create another template for anyone who would like to make the ornaments with the Names of Christ in Spanish. I'm so grateful for their help and so excited to be able to share this with you!

If you are interested in the printable templates please click on the link below which will take you to the original post with all of the information about the paint stick ornaments. Scroll almost to the bottom of the post for the link to the Spanish Version.

Today's Fabulous Find...Spanish Version!

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Simple Berry Wreath

Happy New Year!  Hope your holidays were all that you hoped they would be.

I don't have anything too grand or exciting to share this time, just a simple berry wreath that I put together with a red berry garland (purchased for $12 on clearance) and the grapevine wreath that I borrowed from a wreath that I made last Fall.

My door is not magnetic so instead of using a heavy duty wreath magnet like I've done in the past, I stapled a 4" wide strip of burlap to the top of the door with a standard stapler and then ran a piece of duct tape over the staples to make sure they would stay put.  It's not the most glamorous method, but it can't be seen and has held strong for several weeks now.

By next January maybe I'll have more that I can set out (in addition to our DIY ant trap in the bottom left corner, oops should have moved that), but for now, I'm loving this little pop of color that helps to brighten things up on these dreary, overcast, winter days.

Today's Fabulous Find...Red Berry Winter Wreath

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Holiday S'mores Kit with 'HOME' Wood Block

Christmas is less than a week away now and I'm scrambling to finish some small gifts for neighbors and friends. Today I'm sharing with you a new variation of a gift that I put together a couple of years ago--remember the S'mores Kit's?  We live in a new town now so I guess one of the perks of moving is that I can recycle old ideas and use them again on new friends and neighbors--saves me some thinking time! ;)

I purchased the cute snowman gift sacks at Wal-mart for .75 each.  It turned out that the colors were exactly the same as the colors that I used for the s'mores tags--lucky!  I glued the kit contents tag to the side of the bag (and added one staple at the top for good measure), cut out the circle tag, and tied it to the bamboo skewers with red satin ribbon.

Kit Contents:
  • 1 package of graham crackers 
  • 20 marshmallows in a clear cello sack (check your local dollar stores) 
  • 9 snack size Hershey's chocolate bars
  • 4 bamboo skewers for roasting the marshmallows over a stove plate (with an adults permission and supervision of course).
  • 'HOME' Wood Block
I thought it would be fun if the chocolate bars looked like little "brown paper packages tied up with string" so I placed them on a piece of the cardboard packaging that they came on and tied them together with some string (from Lowe's).

Last month I saw the cutest little wood block that simply said 'HOME' on it at Lovely Little Snippets and thought it would be a nice addition to the kits.  I was able to make 16 six inch blocks with one 2x3x8 that only cost $2 (that's .13 each for the wood).  I used black paint ($3 Valspar paint sample from Lowe's), contact paper for a stencil, and added a piece of burlap and string from my stash.  If you would like more detailed directions on how to make the HOME block, directions can be printed here.

I added a 'HOME' block to each kit, cut 1 sheet of tissue paper into four smaller squares (so it fit better), and they were done.  You could add another small item instead of the stenciled wood block to save time or just throw in the s'mores ingredients and leave it at that.

Do you make small gifts for your neighbors and friends for the Holidays?  Are they done or are you scrambling to finish them too???

Today's Fabulous Find...S'mores Kit with 'HOME' Block

Check out these places for more fun ideas!
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Hello and Goodbye

Hello!  It's been awhile!  I can't believe that it's been over four months since my last post.  Crazy!  I thought I'd pop in and fill you in on what's been keeping me so busy for the last several months.  In the middle of March we listed our home, in mid April we accepted an offer, and by the middle of May we closed and moved most of our furniture, etc. into storage units.  We're currently in-between homes and staying with family until September when our new home will be ready for us, so all projects have pretty much come to a screeching halt.  I've really missed not having a home to decorate!  I'm looking forward to posting some projects in the coming weeks though that I finished awhile ago but never shared with you, so it's all good. :)

Photo of new little Lilac blooms in my backyard--one of my favorite things!

I've never followed a set schedule with posting, I post when I have time and when I have something to share, so I'm pretty sure that most of you who read this blog follow via e-mail or through a reader.

Now that we'll be saying Goodbye to Google Reader and Google Friend Connect this Monday I thought I'd share some other ways that you can read posts here on Today's Fabulous Finds--if you want too. :)

Facebook--Updated with a direct link to each post.
Feedly--I just checked Feedly out yesterday and I really like it so far!  I'm still working on getting a subscription button to work on my main page, but if you click on the link it will take you to the main Feedly page where you can sign up.
Bloglovin'--Bloglovin' is new to me, so I haven't used it much, but it seems to be a popular replacement for Google Reader.
Pinterest--All new projects will be posted on my Today's Fabulous Finds Board.
Feedburner--Enter your e-mail and read posts via e-mail.  There is a subscription box on my sidebar.

I haven't been able to be consistent with posting lately and it won't be consistent for awhile, but I'm not ready to give up on this blog yet!  Thanks for hanging in there with me and thanks so, so much for reading!!!

Today's Fabulous Finds...Feedly and Bloglovin'

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Dancing Monkey Gift Idea w/Printable Gift Bag Toppers

The other day I was browsing around Dollar Tree and saw these little solar Monkeys (they had bears too).    I'm pretty sure I recall hearing my elementary school teachers telling the class "no more monkey business" a time or two so I thought it would be fun to pick up a few for my kids to give to their teachers for a Valentine's Day gift.

Here's a little video of the dancing monkeys.
You will need to click over to the actual post to view it if you are reading this post via e-mail or a reader.

I gathered some cello sacks, a notepad and pen, green paper Easter grass, and some Hersheys Bliss and Dove Chocolates, packaged it all together and added a bag topper.  My kids wrote a little message on the notepad to their teachers to personalize them.

Here's a simpler version with just the Monkey and chocolates...

I brain-stormed for quite some time to come up with several different sayings and in the end, this is what I came up with.  What fun phrases did I miss?

The image above can be printed as a 4 x 6 print and used for smaller gift tags.

Click on this link for information on how to download the images.  All images are designed to be printed as 4 x 6 photo prints.  You will need to trim the sides down on the bag toppers to fit the top of the party size cello sacks.

I'm posting these images to be used FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY, you are welcome to pin or feature any of the images above, but please do not post the original images below on your website, thanks! :)

The name of the title font is called Janda Silly Monkey so of course I had to use it! 

If I was more on the ball I would have posted this two weeks ago instead of right on Valentine's Day. There are a few tags though that could be used anytime so this gift idea doesn't really have to be just for Valentine's Day.  Hope your day has been a good one!

Today's Fabulous Find...Dancing Solar Monkeys

Happy Valentine's Day!

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