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Thank you's, Shabby Apple Dress Winner and 10% Off Code

Did you have a fun Halloween? 
At times it sure seems like a lot of work to have it come and go so quickly, but it's totally worth it! :)

My kids each carved their own Jack-o-lantern.  It's fun to see from year to year what they come up with for the design.  The pumpkin third from the left says puke and had pumpkin 'guts' spilling from the mouth.  It's kinda gross, but looked so funny! :)

Thanks to all of you who entered the giveaway for the Shabby Apple Dress.  
We have a winner!

The winner of the Shabby Apple Da Vinci dress is Missy who said:  
"My favorite is definitely Madison Ave. :) " 

Congratulations Missy!

For those of you who didn't win, you can still use the code "fabfinds10off" to get 10% off of your order until November 19th.

Thank you's
Each month I put together a list of the blogs that have featured one of my projects.  It's my small way of saying thank you.  If you have a minute, read through the list to see if there are any you aren't familiar with, you might find a new fun blog. :)

Printable Halloween Countdown

Game Night in a Bag

Fall Subway Art

Photo/Quote/Recipe Block

Thankful Decorative Charger

15 Gifts under $2

A big thank you to The Messy Roost  for passing on the Versatile Blogger award to me.  While I haven't taken the time to fill the requirements to accept the award, I want to thank Rhonda  for thinking of me! :)

Also, it was such a thrill to see that my Fall Bubble Burlap Wreath was chosen as the top pick at The CSI Projects' Fall Wreath Challenge.  There are so many beautiful and fun wreaths that were entered.  If you are looking for some inspiration, this is a great place to start! 

Do you know what the CSI Project blog is all about?  Each week there is a new challenge, a guest judge, and a linky party.  The guest judge visits each link and chooses her favorite #1 project and a top 10 project list.  It's a lot of fun!  Visit the CSI project and check out the list of upcoming challenges on their sidebar.  This week is kid's spaces and places which I'm excited about! 

Hope you have a wonderful day today!
Thanks for reading.

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1 comment:

farmhouse-story said...

congrats to you, janet!--its an awesome wreath! love the great carvings, too!


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