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Seeing Stars and Fabulous Finds

Seeing Stars
I've been on the look-out for a barn star at a good price to hang in my kitchen.  When I saw this one on clearance for $4, I knew it would do just the job.  Afterall, I only needed it for it's shape, not it's fantastic good looks. :) 

With a coat of oil rubbed bronze spray paint and a bit of sanding, it now looks like this.  Better.

Fabulous Finds
Burlap Star

Now take a look at the star Heidi made!  I'm pretty sure that eventually my star will end up looking like this.  Probably sooner than later.  I love the burlap and the ribbon.  Love it, love it!  I realize that by showing you this that my newly painted star looks like the before picture, but I'm a big girl and can accept that. :)
Photo from

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures has a star out of paper that you won't believe.  Trust me.  This star would make a really cute Christmas tree ornament. 

Crate & Barrel Knock-off Bookcase

Carrie at Dittle-Dattle took a cheap Wal-mart bookcase and transformed it into something worth looking at for not a lot of money.  She wrote up a very detailed tutorial on exactly how to do it and what you'll need.

 Tea-towel Cupcake Tutorial

Photo from Yoonie-at-Home
These cupcakes are so adorable!   Go to Yoonie-at-home for a full tutorial on how to make them.

Did you see something you like?  Hope so!

Today's Fabulous Find...The Burlap Star.
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Erin said...

I love your burlap star! And the tea towel cupcakes are so stinkin' cute. We'll be making those for sure!!!

Meredith said...

barn stars are so cool! and with a little bit of krylon, they can be anything we want!!

clairesmom05 said...

Thank you so much for the feature of my Burlap Star! I'm so glad you like it!


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